Monday, February 20, 2012

KTurtle - Flower Power

Commands for Flower Power -

repeat 360 {
repeat 180 {fw 1 tr .5}
tr 90
repeat 180 {fw 1 tr .5}
tr 95}


  1. Hi Mihir, thanks for publishing these commands, they're really entertaining!

  2. Hulwo mihir. i recntli pled yore gem, mihir's ej cataltits.. iz vory naice. butt vot dis be. ai dent fukiong got. i denot got de fukiong shtury. cumbet iz ged. chereacthear iz luk gai. cum tu mi resatraeunt iz kauwledad " Cum n eat. pleezeie cum nd eet. peeass did u c wot i ded wid tehh nem of mi resatraeunt. spollin of eet i wrote :eat: intesd of eet. eji hahahahaha.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(.)(.) Desdfgsdf mathsueresfd


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